Saturday, June 12, 2010


Hello hello.

Katherine and I made it to sunny Naxos around 1 pm this afternoon. I am thrilled to be spending the next twoish weeks on the beach, at last! We took a ferry from Piraeus (outside Athens) this morning. During that five our period I had approximately twelve outfit changes. It went from warm to hot to colder to freezing (because of the wind). I ended up falling asleep in my jeans-sweatshirt-denim jacket ensemble. When I woke up there was a tan like on the left side of my face from having my hood up, score.

After eating souvlaki and then dropping our stuff off at the house in Galanado, Katherine and I hit up the taverna for some Nestea and bus tickets. We waited for the bus there which was, of course, half an hour late. The taverna children are just as wild as usual. Cula looks exactly the same, Valadi is now chubs and looks like Marios, Marios is slightly taller and basically has a beer belly, and Vagelita is like twice as tall as when I last saw her, cray cray! Gabriel is apparently at college elsewhere and doesn't get back to Naxos till July, alas, we shall see whether any of the old crowd shows up. It has been three years!

Anyway, we did eventually make it onto the bus, and to the beach! Hooray. It was the beach nearest the main town (Chora), so it wasn't as wondrous as all the other beaches are, but it was still great and I cannot wait to go somewhere amazing tomorrow! After this short internet cafe stop Katherine and I are headed to watch the UK-USA soccer game at a bar. Don't even know who to root for!


  1. so i realized we're not all that far from each other. tomorrow we're taking a bus to alexandria on the med sea. you should just take a boat over to med israel (tel aviv maybe) and hang out!

  2. heh, although not EXTREMELY far I think it would still warrant a several day journey and more money than I can spend :(.

    Come to Naxos!
