My mom and I napping in the sun.

Gramps in the hammock

The fams chillin on the lawn. We couldn't manage to get a photo in which everyone was paying attention and no one was getting licked by Grom.
As mentioned a couple of days ago, I am supposed to be leaving for Rome tomorrow, but my flight will likely be canceled. Still, the strip from Poznan to Rome now seems to be clearing, so I am still not entirely sure what will happen. I am still not expecting I'll leave tomorrow... but what if?! I am unpacked, to say the least.
In other news, today I was walking back to my aunt's house and a neighbor's dog was barking at me. There were two children in the yard.. probably 6 or 7 years old? Anyway, one of them opened the gate, I don't know if she opened it because she was trying to go outside or because she is the devil's spawn, but in any event, the dog came outside, continued barking at me and then jumped on me at which pointed I screamed at the top of my lungs, it kept barking at me, I sort of kept walking but was afraid he was going to jump on me again/BITE MY FACE. Note: this dog was pretty big. The owner came out and I don't remember if she said anything or what she said but I was like "YOUR DOG JUST ATTACKED ME."
Anyway, I am alive, all my limbs are in order. From this experience I will probably take away another phobia. Who would have thought there exists a means of death or injury that I had until present not even considered?
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