
My grandparents with one of their many floral acquisitions

My aunt Wanda (pronounced Vandah) and uncle Igor
Grams looking slightly sinister


A laptop! Joining the rest of the family in computer addiction.

Me, my cake chin, and my grandma

My cousin Martyna and her boyfriend Nacho breaking out the Champagne

My grandma and great aunt

Singin', with Grom in the middle.

Cake/pie options

Cheesy close-up

Food porn

My mommy!

Cutting the cake

Standing outside my aunt's house after saying goodbye to the fams that only came in the for the day.
In other news, the big, stupid volcano explosion that happened in Iceland might mess up my plans to go to Rome on Tuesday. I can't decide if I should buy a ticket out of Poland for London, in case this ash cloud doesn't blow over in a few days.
Here is a "lolcat" I made about it

TTFN, Ta ta for now, hoo hoo hoo hoo!
"and her boyfriend Nacho"
ReplyDeleteI am confused by your lack of commentary..
Also, love the lolcatz thingy. Didn't know you were making those now....
Hmm, well my cousin and her boyfriend are characters in previous blog entries from last semester, he is Spanish (duh), if that's what you were confused by.
ReplyDeleteAs for the lolcat, desperate times...desperate times...
LOVE the food porn. and your grandparents are so adorable!
ReplyDeletealso, that's one of the best lolcatz i've seen in a while.
and marta looks great!
nothing but praise in this comment!