Monday, January 11, 2010

Back in LDN

I survived the plane ride back! Always a success. Granted, this success isn't attributable to me, more-so to the pilot and Iceland's lack of enemies (as far as I know). I connected via Reykjavik. Both planes were no bigger than a plane to New Orleans so... that was an interesting experience. Overall there was very little turbulence, but that didn't stop me from thinking I was going to die anyway. I did however get to see 500 days of summer, which I enjoyed.

Today was my first day of classes, but I didn't go. Instead, I slept till 2:30 in the afternoon (oops). It was well worth it. Though I worry since skipping class usually leads to more skipping class (which is why I usually try and wait until at least halfway through the semester). But eh... I am jet lagged. What can you do?

London is cold. As is New York, as is New Orleans. So I guess, at least right now, there would be no escaping it. Though I dream of a weekend vacation to Barcelona (highs of 60° F are still way better than this).

I haven't done much since I've been back, only about 32 hours or so. I did manage to get food and coffee with Miranda today which ended the hibernation/solitude of the first 24 hours. Needless to say, human contact is pretty crucial in staying sane, particularly in this weather.

Anyway, break was really wonderful, I am glad I got to see so many of the people I love in New York which I still think is pretty much the greatest place in the world. It recharged my batteries so I think I am (almost) ready to face the next semester.

It's nice returning to London and not feeling new anymore. Since I am a lot more settled than I was at the beginning of last semester, I am hoping to find a job and join some clubs, tentatively considering the following:
yoga & meditation
cycling club (though I don't have a bike here... but perhaps this would lead me to finding a cheap place to get one?)
hiking and walking club
women students

I am also planning on joining the gym, and possibly going. This is really a stretch, but why not dream big.

That's all for now!

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