The day ended with my viewing yet another room I might possibly rent. It's one of the situations where the tenants choose the roommate (not the landlord), thus it's kind of like an interview. I can't say I am particularly good at those, nor do I imagine myself to be particularly memorable upon first meeting someone (after a long exhausting day), but I tried to put my happy face on and at least commit myself to their memory. Fingers crossed for the millionth time.
So, classes. I have already had two and a half of ten weeks of classes this semester. More than 20% done, woah. It just so happens that none of my professors are British. They are from Germany, New Zealand, and Russia. The kids in my politics classes are nearly all Americans, and the kids in my slavic studies classes are at least half slavs. So believe it or not, I haven't been hearing all that many British accents, bummer! On the bright side, a major pro of having a professor from New Zealand is that if I ever get bored, I just imagine her as Murray from Flight of the Conchords (because really, that is exactly what she sounds like). This is the first time in my life where I am only taking classes that I actually want to take. I am finding it to be a nice change.
This past weekend was fun, though highly unproductive academia-wise. This makes sense since level of fun and academic productivity are inversely related. Friday night I hung out with Sarah, a fellow Beaconite/Tulanian who was in town for a week. Saturday I wandered to London native Ben Lovell's neighborhood pub and later his abode where I proceeded to eat his family's entire supply of food. I also met his cat, Christopher. He is no Tytus, though, for in Ben's own words, Tytus is "a prince amongst cats." On Sunday I strolled through my neighborhood and went to the "Polish Deli," bought kabanosy and then went to the organic food store which was having a "spend £5 get a free gift bag" offer. Well, obviously I am the target audience for such organic food gimmicks. This one was quite worthwhile, though. I got a chocolate bar, soda, a bunch of tea, hot chocolate, and some sample bath products out of it. All the makings of a pretty good weekend.
Pretty view from the living room window. I love those trees.
Photos from Sunday's walk. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Play this in the background.
Trendy food packaging.
Oh, last but not least. Yesterday on the tube I had a particularly uncourteous experience. A girl was PAINTING HER NAILS IN THE TRAIN CAR. As most of you probably already know, nothing makes me want to go homocidal on someone's ass more than nail polish-smell in confined spaces. What kind of evil, evil person does that? I wanted to swipe her nails with a brillo pad on the way out, unfortunately I don't usually carry one around with me. Since I am not much a fan of confronting strangers I resorted to dirty looks which were either ignored or went unnoticed.
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